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Covering every major electrical standard, including NEC, NESC, NFPA, 70E, IEEE 1584, and OSHA, Electrical Safety Handbook, Fourth Edition is a practical, illustrated source of life-saving information designed for specific work environments. This must-have guide provides the most current safety strategies for use in industrial, commercial, and home-office electrical systems in an easy-to-use format. Written by experts in electrical operations, maintenance, engineering, construction, and safety, this fully revised edition delivers complete details on:

  • Hazards of electricity
  • Basic physics of electrical hazards
  • Electrical safety equipment
  • Safety procedures and methods
  • Grounding and bonding of electrical systems and equipment
  • Electrical maintenance and its relationship to safety
  • Regulatory and legal safety requirements and standards
  • Accident prevention, accident investigation, rescue, and first aid
  • Low-voltage safety
  • Medium- and high-voltage safety
  • Human factors in electrical safety
  • Safety management and organizational structure
  • Safety training methods and systems